
Terms and Conditions

Free intro class

Terms and Conditions

At Stealth BJJ we take data privacy seriously at all stages. Starting from the data collected on initial enquires through to the data provided by active members.
If you have any queries about data privacy, please don’t hesitate to contact Steve on 07903644928.

When you initially sign up via the website your email will be used to contact you with regards to your free intro class only. This information will not be
used for marketing purposely and will be held for no more than one year.

When signing up at the gym via Club Manager more data will be collected. This is essential information that lets us contact you about your membership and
set up any required payment methods. This data is stored on a secure server using our GDPR compliant software, Club Manager. This data may be used to market
services related to the gym only if the client has opted in via an email to receive SMS/Emails.

The personal data that is collected by us is not shared to any other person/business and is solely for the use of Stealth BJJ.

After cancelling your membership with Stealth BJJ, we would love to keep in touch with you, so your data will remain in our system for another 5 years. Lots
of our students return to train with us and this saves us both time in restarting your membership.

Stealth BJJ Manchester
Copyright 2024 | Stealth BJJ